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If You Weld This WIll Make Your Day! S*#t Welders Say

If you’ve ever attempted to try welding for yourself or have watched someone else try to weld, you know that getting it just right isn’t an easy task. It’s not as simple as throwing on a mask and slapping a welder against the surface and creating the perfect weld on the other end of your efforts.

On the flip side, tons of practice is required to get in the groove of welding and, as you can imagine, there are tons of funny little bits of humor that come from those attempting to get as close to perfect as possible when it comes to the craft. This video allows those who weld to tell their story in a pretty humorous way.

In this video titled “S*#t Welders Say,” we’re able to get in the heads of people who weld on a regular basis with a whole host of funny one-liners that you might even be able to identify with yourself. Check out the video below and be sure to sound off if you can think of any more quotes that a welder might find himself saying on a regular basis.