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Can You Make A Ford F150 Stop Faster Than a Viper?

I’m going to save you the suspense… You MAY be able to make an F150 stop faster than a Dodge Viper, but not by just swapping brake pads, which is what this video focuses on.

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Now, you CAN shave a couple of feet off of the hulking Ford pickup’s 60-0 stopping distance, so this clip is worth the watch if you have an F150 in your driveway. The reason for the Viper comparison is that one of the brake pad manufacturers featured in the comparison claimed to be able to decrease stopping distance by up to 50 feet, which would mean – if that claim were true in this case – the Ford F150 would be able to stop quicker than the Dodge Viper. That claim, however, isn’t true, at least not in this particular test.

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So no, you can’t drop aftermarket pads into your F150’s calipers and out-stop a Viper, but you can cut down brake dust and shorten the distance by a couple of feet if you do a little research, and by that we mean, watch this video.