Woman Gets Pissed After Guy Calls Her Out For Parking in a Handicap Spot
If there is one thing that should be thoroughly disgusting to just about everybody, that thing would be someone who is not handicapped taking up one of the parking spots provided near the front of the lot for those who are handicapped and have trouble walking to whatever building it is that said lot is attached to.
This time, we check out a debate that gets a little bit awkward as this man decides to film a girl getting in her car in a handicapped spot without a proper placard displayed to indicate that she is, in fact, handicapped. Now, she does claim to have some cracked ribs and a doctors note, but this man just keeps on filming while the woman has an argument, seemingly with herself.
Check out the video down below that shows off the situation where things get just a little bit questionable. After reviewing the video for yourself, who do you think is right or wrong in this scenario that seems to have a lot of funky things going on at once?