Bicycle Riders Get Pulled Over for Speeding and Racing in the Bike Lane
When you’re behind the wheel of a car, you really have to mind your manners because, if you don’t obey the rules of the road, there’s a good chance that the police are going to find you and hit you with some driving infractions that could end in tickets that could cost you a pretty penny and jack your insurance up through the roof.
Instead of spending the money that it takes to use a car, you might have chosen to ride your bike instead, cutting down on the expense and sometimes even your travel time if you live in a crowded city. You also think that this method of travel would help you to avoid run-ins with the police in relationship to how you’re driving. These bicyclists found out that reality might deviate from expectations here.
In this video, we watch as a couple of riders are peddling down the side of the street in the bike lane on a road that looks to be a bit downhill. As they both roll through the green light at the same time and continue on, peddling pretty fast, a police officer catches them and pulls up beside them, accusing the riders of not only racing but also speeding. Yes, you read that correctly.
It appears as if the posted speed limit was 30 mph and this police officer thought that the riders were moving in excess of that speed contrary to what one of their speedometers said. Check out the video below that puts you on the scene to see exactly how this ridiculous situation came to be. Now, it does turn out that the bicyclists did get let off the hook as the police officer took a turn, avoiding any kind of further confrontation about the situation but this is really an obscure one to say the least.