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Doc Street Beast Takes on the Bird Boyz at the Small Tire Nationals

Street Outlaws star Doc and his Street Beast Monte Carlo loaded up and headed to the Small Tire Nationals, where he would face off with Jerry Bird in the Bird Boyz Probe from Street Outlaws New Orleans. The pair of atypical hotrods, which really stand out in a world of Camaros, Novas and Mustangs, lined up for what should have been a great race, but the run itself was anticlimactic.

As soon as the cars launched, the Probe of the Bird Boyz lost traction and Jerry had to lift and was helpless to do anything but watch as Doc screamed to the finish line on what would have been a tough pass to outrun. With the season the Bird Boyz have been having, taking hope several big wins in the no-prep scene, we can’t imagine they’re at all happy taking a loss to the Street Beast.