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Dump Truck Dumps Load on Traffic

When checking out footage from dashcams around the roads, sometimes you might find something that really shocks you. Because they’re rolling all the time, these cameras are really able to capture some wild action as it unfolds, getting the most of those moments where others wished that they had the time to whip their cell phones out in a hurry but couldn’t really manage to do so.

This time, we check out the action as a dump truck is sitting on an exit ramp, when all of a sudden, the bed starts to go up and he dumps a huge load of dirt right in everyone’s way. I’m not sure if it was an act of road rage or not, but if it was, that might’ve been the most epic troll that we have seen a really long time.

There are lots of unanswered questions here but one thing is for sure, this is most certainly a crazy situation that would have left us for a loss if we were on the scene. Afterward, the driver does nothing more than throw his truck in gear and drive away, leaving you to wonder even more.

Check out the video below that shows off the incident as it happens right in front of our eyes and be sure to tell us what you think of why exactly this dump truck driver spilled his entire load out on the roadway before taking off. Was this an act of rage or something more?
