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This Drill Powered Mini Bike Is The Ultimate Pit Bike

We’ve seen plenty of scooters, and we’ve seen electric scooters, but among the tiny electric scooters out there, this could be one of the coolest pit bikes we have ever seen because of its rather unique power source.

With a cool billet mount that connects the throttle to the trigger of a DeWalt drill, this scooter uses something many of us have in our garage or toolbox as the motor. And no, we don’t mean it uses a drill motor, but an actual drill. We assume there’s some kind of adapter that the drill is clamped onto via the chuck that send the power from the DeWalt down to the rear tire of this scooter, giving it more than enough power to ride move the guy who takes it for a test spin.

.A few years ago, this kind of rig wouldn’t have made it very far, if it could have moved him at all. With the advances made in brushless motors and lithium battery technology in the past few years have given handheld drills the kind of power and battery capacity that makes projects like this feasible. With many of these advances coming thanks the radio controlled car industry, we actually owe a lot to these advances. If you dig into many of the electrical appliances that we use daily, many of them have made the swap to brushless motors and lithium batteries that have greatly increased power output and battery life without adding bulk or weight. In fact, brushless motors can make more power from a smaller form factor than their brushed counterparts.

Lithium battery tech, while also driven somewhat by the RC community, owes much of its advancement to the smartphone world, as the demand for more power in a smaller space had really pushes what is possible with a small battery pack. And thanks to all of those advancements, we have things like this scooter, while certainly fun and almost humorous at first glance, that are actually really cool!

Posted by Gasoline Society on Thursday, May 25, 2017