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Does Shawn Have The Guts To Steal This Hit From Big Chief? | Street Outlaws

Normally, the action that you see on Street Outlaws is all started with the flick of a flashlight. Once that light illuminates, both drivers are free to blast down the strip but if they choose to get a little bit giddy and leave before that light comes on, it’s determined that a jump is a loss and they will automatically be handed their “L.”

However, when JJ Da Boss took over, he put a rule in place that said that the arm drop would be the new way to get races rolling. As if that switch wasn’t enough from the flashlight, further complicating things to see if someone left first, he would also throw in the rule that a chase is a race. Basically, what that means is that If someone jumps early and the person in the other lane is unable to tell and chases, it’s a race to the finish line from there. However, if the person jumps and the competitor senses it while staying put, he or she who didn’t jump automatically gets the victory.

When it comes down to it, it’s all a game of trying to figure out if your opposition will be able to handle the fact that you jump and process it before hopping off of the starting line. It’s really a mind game that some people like to play and others really don’t want to be a part of. This time, that game just so happens ago down between Big Chief and Shawn.

When they both roll up to the line, Shawn probably has an inkling of a thought that the Crow might be just a touch faster than his Murder Nova, so participating in the game and jumping slightly ahead of the flagger might be a chance for him to get out a little bit to victory. Will he be able to go through with this or is he going to leave off of the flag to make this one an even race to the finish line? Find out what he decides to do with this high-intensity situation down below.