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Richard Hammond Live from a Swiss Hospital “I’m not Dead”

A couple of days ago, news broke that The Grand Tour host, Richard Hammond had been involved in a pretty ugly accident in which a car that he was behind the wheel of would collide with a wall and eventually ended up burstin into flames. I guess that stories had been spiraling out of control all around the water cooler in all different directions but as we originally reported, Richard was able to be airlifted to the hospital without any life-threatening injuries

This time, Richard comes to us from a hospital bed as he is beginning to recuperate and from his sense of humor on the matter, it really looks like everything is going to be alright for him. He told us that he is, in fact, is injured but he should shortly be heading into surgery to get that knee nice and patched up with a couple of pins to hold everything together nice and tight and have Richard behind the wheel of a car once again. You never like to see anyone get hurt but the fact that he seems to be in good spirits about it all is really a relief!

The video below recorded by James May comes straight from Richard’s hospital room as he gives us a little bit of a status update so that fans know for a fact that he is in fact going to be alright! When you have different sources reporting different information, you almost don’t know what to think sometimes until you hear it straight from the victim’s lips. Even though it is a life threatening injury, we would like to wish him a speedy recovery because we know that any surgery most certainly isn’t a fun process to be a part of. The trio just won’t be the same until Richard is back in action again!