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Stolen Chevy Truck Returned in 3 Hours Thanks to Facebook!

We’ve all witnessed the power of social media and the positive and negative impact it can have on all aspects of our public and private lives. From Twitter giving us 140 characters to summarize what we think about our favorite – and our least favorite – celebrities to Instagram giving our followers a photo-by-photo look into our daily eating habits, social media has brought about a drastic change in the way we live our lives.

Of all the social platforms, Facebook has the largest daily user count and seems to be the way many global users interact with the world and serves as the news source for a great number of Facebookers. As such, it is also a great platform for reaching an audience to help in an emergency situation. There have been countless incidents that have been solved and problems that have been alleviated by little more than a share on the social network.

One of the best uses of the platform is to help spread the word about missing vehicles. With the ability to get the word out to users in a certain area that are often on the road, or can otherwise mobilize quickly, putting the word on online has resulted in countless vehicles being recovered and returned to their rightful owners. While the situation can take days, weeks or even longer to play out sometimes, other incidents are resolved almost immediately, such as the case of this stolen Chevrolet Silverado, which was recovered just three hours after it was reported missing, thanks to the quick spread of information across the owners Facebook network.

While social media certainly has its drawbacks, there’s no denying the powerful positive impacts it can and does have on our daily lives.