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Police Sued BIG TIME for Dashcam Video that Shows Oregon Police Officer Kicking Motorcyclist

With all of the negative police videos spiraling out of control on the web, you’d think that those rare cops in the bunch that aren’t too straight with the rules would get their act together and make sure that nothing out of line happens, especially when they know that cameras are rolling pretty much all the time and if a nearby bystander doesn’t capture the action, then their own dashcam just might!

For this officer, it seems like he either just simply doesn’t care or is mixed up in something that is more of an accident than it looks like. This one looks like a sheer act of road rage as the offier in question here appears to be about blinded with rage when he decides to haul off on a civilian in a rather questionable maneuver.

After rear ending a motorcycle rider at a stop light, you might think that the officer is getting out to help out the guy after what looks like a mistake. What he does instead is a bit puzzling though as the dashcam footage below that shows the officer giving the rider a swift boot to the chest. The officer claims that he didn’t realize that the biker was complying until “the muscles had already fired in his leg.” The result of this incident was a fractured rib, broken clavicle, and $180k in favor of the rider.

Whether it was the heat of the moment or not is yet to be seen but one thing is for sure – the police ended up paying big time for this action that did some big time damage. I guess that all that there is to do now is to learn from this swift series of events and try to avoid acting in such a way in the future.