What’s inside a LOCKED 30 Year Old Safe?
If you want to talk about suspense, just imagine having a safe at your disposal that you haven’t been able to get into. You have no idea what’s on the inside and you’re number one goal today is going to be a crack into the safe and see what lies on the inside. This time, that’s exactly the situation as we join in with the “What’s Inside” YouTube channel to follow along with a story where a family heirloom was on the chopping block and the only task at hand was to figure out how to crack the structure open to figure out what’s inside. Throughout the whole video, you might just find yourself bugging out with the curiosity of wondering what it’s hiding.
A quick trip to Lowe’s would be in the cards to grab a couple of tools and get to work, grinding through food all of that steel and concrete to break out one of the walls and see exactly what was lurking. With two steel retaining walls and a layer of reinforcement in between, this was going to be tough to break through and definitely require some elbow grease, but the promise of finding out what is inside keeps this guy going and definitely makes it all worth it when he’s finally able to see daylight on the interior of the safe and starts pulling out all of the goodies that lie within, distributing them all out to his family to see exactly what kind of exciting treats were ahead of them.
Check out the video down below that takes you on the scene to see exactly how this safe is cracked and what the family thought of everything that they found inside. If you sunk all that time and effort into finding out what was inside of the safe, would you be content with the findings here? If you could find one small thing that would fit inside here, what’s the ultimate treasure to find in a situation like this?