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How Everyone Acts When UPS Drops Off a Brand New Turbocharger To The House!

If you’re somebody who has ever received any sort of exciting package in the mail, you know exactly that feeling that comes around when the UPS guy walks up to your door, leaves a box, and knocks to let you know what’s out there. For car guys who are waiting on that next part to make their machines go to the next level, the feeling can really be amplified! As someone who has recently received a turbo in the mail, I can really identify with that inner feeling that makes you want to jump for joy when the next major puzzle piece is left at your front door, ready for you to install.

This time, we check out a video that might just show what about every person would be acting like when a turbo is dropped off at their place. Once the box finally hits your door step, that thought of what your car or truck could be then becomes a reality, really bringing everything full circle! Afterward, that couple of minutes that it takes it open up the box has to be one of the most suspenseful and exciting moments that you will face, even if you already have a hunch as to what’s inside.

Check out the video below as this new turbocharger owner gives us a good idea of what exactly that feeling is like in video form. If you have ever been in this position, you can definitely relate to what this guy is feeling. Be sure to report back with exactly what you were thinking, feeling, and doing the first time or the latest time that you got an exciting car part in the mail. This kind of experience can certainly be a fun and different to break up the monotony that can tend to lull in and out in everyday life.
