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Pilot Makes Amazing Landing After The Engine Dies!

When you’re up in the air, piloting your very own small aircraft, the last thing that you want to hear, or rather not hear is the silence of the engines. While, in most situations, the sound of silence can be soothing, when you’re up in the air, that very sound can put you on edge when you lose power all of those feet above the ground and are left to limp the craft back to the ground as to not do any damage to yourself in the process.

When this guy went up for a flight in his own personal aircraft, he suddenly was greeted with the not so settling sound of the engines failing on him. From our untrained eye, it looks like he immediately decided not to panic. You’d have to presume that panicking in such a situation would be a formula for disaster and precision is of the essence when you’re trying to touch down and keep everything in one piece.

While we’re not exactly sure what happened to make this airplane lose power, we do know that the pilot was forced to make a split-second decision that resulted in an emergency landing. He almost makes it look easy as he skillfully glides back to the ground once again, touching down with complete skill and eventually unbuckling himself with joy as this is probably as happy as he has ever been to touch solid ground once again!

Check out the quick thinking that allows this plane to land safely. We have to give the pilot two thumbs up for perfecting this one! I’d be willing to be that he’s going to hunt all around that airplane to figure out what the problem was and do whatever he possibly can to make sure that he never has the issue again!