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🎥 Real Bad 1955 Chevy Crash… Driver Walks Away After Being Nearly Ejected!

When you strap in and get ready to race, you want to make sure that your safety equipment is all ready to roll because without it, you never know what could happen. Heck, even with it, you aren’t guaranteed to be 100% safe. This time, we check out a situation in which a driver appears to not have enough safety equipment but ends up getting incredibly lucky! He might not know where he is at the end of the race, but we’d venture to say that he looks just fine as he hops out of the car under his own power and walks around.


At the start of this race, it looks like the second generation Chevrolet Camaro is the one getting ready to eat the wall, an unfortunate fate for sure. However, a plot twist ensues and this thing goes in a whole different direction, throwing the other driver for a loop instead! As the Camaro slides about, the owner of the ‘55 Chevy in the next lane over appears to let his opponent’s mishap get the best of his focus. Instead of lifting off of the gas, instinct tells the ’55 driver to attempt to swerve out of the way. When this happens, all hell breaks loose and the car gets too far away from him to regain control.


He’s able to avoid running into the Camaro, which is one positive to take out of this ugly situation but he’s unable to avoid getting his heavy Chevy sideways and fails to save himself in the process. What happens next is truly terrifying for any racer or even anyone who knows a racer.


As the tires catch a little too much pavement while sliding sideways, the car rolls multiple times and the driver’s legs exit the vehicle as he’s thrown about like a rag doll. While it appears that the car is equipped with a proper roll cage, that doesn’t really help when your harness malfunctions. At the end of the day, we’re glad that all looks like it’s alright aside from the mangled mess of a ’55 that’s left behind. It’s important to remember that car can be replaced but people most certainly can’t!