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Police Chase Ends Bad For Suspect After He Flees on Foot!

With everybody having a camera in their pocket these days, we see much more of what goes on in the world than we used to. If you look around you in public, you’ll often find yourself surrounded by people with their phones out, taking photos or video of everything from the mundane to the insane, and that means that it’s easy to just point and shoot when something out of the ordinary happens.

That seems to be how this footage came to be, as this motorist just happened to be in the right place at the right time to catch the closing moments of a police chase, including the suspect fleeing on foot. The video opens with the police using spike strips to disable the car, although it appears to be heavily damaged before it reaches the intersection where the police are set up. The car rolls to a stop right in front of the camera, and the suspect jumps from the car and takes off on foot.

As usual, he doesn’t get too far before the officers take him down and work him over pretty well as he struggles to free himself from their grasp. However, as a swarm of officers arrive and join the fray, the view of the ruckus is blocked by one of the cruisers. It seems safe to assume that the flock of uniformed officers were able to wrestle the suspect into submission and escort him to his new residence without too much trouble.

We aren’t going to jump into the political side of things here, that’s not what we are about. We are just glad this guy got his phone out and caught the action and there’s no need to rely on eyewitness testimony and dashcam footage that seems to disappear conveniently or end up “corrupted” during moments of intense action. If this goes farther than just being a crazy moment caught on camera, the jury should be able to make an informed decision.

Police Chase

That escalated quickly…….Via ViralHog

Posted by Jack Vale on Friday, September 1, 2017