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AWESOME Invetion – Never Get Stuck in The Sand or Mud AGAIN!

We’ve seen it plenty of times: a “capable” four wheel drive truck or SUV proving not quite as capable as expected when it encounters either dry, loose sand or really deep, sloppy mud. Generally speaking, this means it’s time to call for help, having another truck come tow you out of the predicament.

However, with a couple of these in your truck bed or the back of your SUV, there should be very few situations you can’t paddle your way out of. Basically, these are big, metal paddles that slide into your wheels over the lug nuts and extend out beyond the diameter of the tire, creating a large paddle that will grab the sand or mud and pull your ride on through no matter how mired down it may be. You can see in the short video attached below, the paddles work like a charm to get this otherwise hopelessly-stuck SUV out of the sand. We can’t understand what these guys are saying, but it’s pretty clear they’re happy to have the paddles and and have them do their job as expected.

The design is fairly simple, and could probably be a relatively simple DIY project, especially if you have some experience welding. If you can’t build them yourselves, almost all of us have a buddy that could knock these out in an afternoon. Just be sure to take him some cold beer and a little cash and you’ll have your own set of paddles in no time.

We do have to say, before somebody does something stupid, be sure and take these back off before you hit solid ground, as that is going to end badly for the paddles and possibly your ride. It would probably just take one time hitting solid ground for these to either break themselves or shear off a wheel stud, leaving you with either broken paddles or stranded with missing wheel studs!


Posted by Larry Nelson on Tuesday, September 5, 2017