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AEV Prospector XL Dodge Ram 4×4 Diesel

As opposed to other vehicles that you might see on the market, it so happens that the truck consumer is looking for something a little bit different than what a normal car or SUV consumer would be. Now, when you get down to the root of it, the vast majority of people who are shopping for pickup trucks are shopping for utility. They want their machines to be able to do everything and anything that they ask them to whether it be conquering the rough terrain, pulling a trailer full of weight, or anything else that they can put their minds to. When it comes to trucks, owners really ask a lot of their rigs.

This time, we check out a truck that really goes above and beyond, as far as what the eye can see, in terms of exactly what it’s able to accomplish with the features it has. You have to admit that this thing looks like one bad machine and there are so many features built-in that makes it appear to be rather versatile as well. From the flatbed to the knobby tires and even the bumpers and lights that really step it up a notch to give this truck the cutting edge, the AEV Prospector XL Dodge Ram diesel pushes the limits what exactly what a truck of this magnitude can accomplish.

Take a tour of the massive machine of functionality down in the video below as it brings so many different elements to the table that could help you get the job done no matter what that task is! After seeing this thing up close and personal for yourself, be sure to tell us what you think of all of the elements included here and perhaps which one is your favorite. Do you think that they can add anything extra to this truck to make it even better than it already is?