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LSU Star Derrius Guice Almost Flips ATV… That Could Have Ended Badly

Sure, everybody wants to take care of their body and be in the best shape that they possibly can and I can’t think of a single person who would want to sit around with a broken back, however, for athletes who have a future with their athleticism, they probably want to make sure that they pay closer attention to their health than anyone else. For most, an injury might mean a couple of weeks on the couch and out of work but for these guys, their entire career and millions of dollars could be on the line.

This time, we check out LSU Star, Derrius Guice as he heads out for a ride on an ATV, with his buddy, and ends up flipping it over backwards. Sure, the incident ends in nothing more than a couple of guys laughing as they were able to get up and brush it off, however, if that ATV have rolled in the wrong direction, it wouldn’t be such a laughing matter after all. In fact, it would probably be pretty serious if he ended up injuring himself and putting his future in jeopardy. Now, we’re certainly no experts on the matter and the young man definitely should have fun while he’s still able bodied, however, this was definitely cutting it a little bit close.

Check out the video below that gives you an up close and personal view of the situation and be sure to tell us what you think about this little mishap that thankfully didn’t end any worse than it had to. If you were in a situation where you were able play football at a major college that is known for their football program, would you be out there doing things like this? I guess it’s different to be in the situation than to just speculate about it, at the end of the day, but people will still be ready to voice their opinions here!