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Floods Destroy New Cars At Dealership, Owner Warns Potential Flood Car Buyers

When you see massive hurricanes hitting land like the few we have experienced here in the states over the past couple of weeks, just about everyone is affected. Most of the news coverage has focused on people who have lost their homes and all of their personal belongings. That is definitely a massive part of the recovery effort, however, it’s also important to remember that lots of small business owners are also being struck hard with the devastation left behind by hurricanes like Irma. This time, we learn about the story of one Florida car dealership that just couldn’t get its cars away from all that the storm had to offer and now, those behind the dealership are left to clean up the pieces.

Fortunately, for a dealership like this, insurance should come along and scoop up all of the cars, paying up for what they’re worth. However, that isn’t where the story ends. Not only will the dealership have to go through the hassle of getting together new inventory to keep their doors open and getting their facilities back to where they used to be, all while losing business that they need to feed their families during the recovery effort, but they also warn of these cars that are to be picked up by the insurance company and might end up in the hands of somebody who is looking to scam you. It takes a real piece of garbage to try and capitalize off of a situation like this but believe me when I tell you that there are definitely people out there who will try and do it.

This video here shows you not only what this dealership owner is going to have to do to attempt to get back to where he once was but also what you can look out for to protect yourself from the scammers who might purchase these flooded vehicles and try to pass them off as if nothing had ever happened to them. It’s really a shame that people act like that but if you arm yourself with information, you can get out of their grasp and make sure that it doesn’t happen to you.