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Fire Hose Under Heavy Pressure: Prey German Hose Maintenance Machine

When it comes to the fire hoses that are used to keep you safe in the event of a fire emergency, they need to be able to hold insane amounts of water pressure to be able to push incredible amounts of liquid to extinguish the blaze in question. These aren’t just any ordinary hoses, either. Sure, if your garden hose springs a leak, it might not be the end of the world but, one of these hoses leaking could mean the difference between life and death so it’s definitely important to make sure that they are tested and held to the highest quality standards.

With all that length of hose and the couplings that are forced to be under insane amounts of pressure, it really leads one to wonder how exactly they test all this stuff out before it is disbursed to fire departments across the world to give them an opportunity to successfully do their jobs. This time, we join in with the process that shows exactly how hoses are tested in a variety of different ways as they are bent, stretched, and pushed to the limit to see exactly if there are any faults in the design to the point where it could possibly inhibit the job at hand.

Follow along down the video below that shows off the process that takes these hoses and their couplings to the limit to see exactly where their weaknesses might lie. It’s definitely a process that is quite interesting to watch but, if I were the one doing the testing of all of these parts over and over again, I would be forced to think that this job would be one that could get mighty monotonous. After you see exactly how the process works for yourself for a while, be sure to tell us what you think of being the person behind a job like this.