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A New Angle Shows Just How The Byron Wheelie Competition Crash Went Down!

Every year, Byron Dragway hosts the World Power Wheel Standing Championships, and every year, there is carnage and chaos as the competitors try to outdo each other and themselves to throw down the highest, longest, and most ridiculous wheel stands. In years past, we’ve seen cars stand straight up with all 4 wheels off the ground, we’ve seen them flip clean over backwards, and of course there have been a few get into the wall because when the front wheels are 8 feet in the air, you can’t exactly see which way the car is going.

The video below, from this years just-completed WPWSC shows exactly what happens when the driver is unable to keep up with the car’s orientation and keeps his foot in the gas anyway.

Let me say here and now, this is going to happen at the WPWSC’s because more often than not, any car is going to track slightly right or left and on a drag strip, it just takes the car being a couple of degrees off to end up tagging the wall, and with a little money and a ton of pride and bragging rights on the line, these guys know the risks when they take the tree and drop the bumper, so before y’all jump in the comments and blast the driver, he knew what the risks were going in.

This car, driven by Jason Schubert, is clearly setup to hang the hoops high in the air when the throttle is dropped, and it certainly does just that, planting the rear tires and hiking up the nose until the back bumper literally drags the ground for about 600 feet or so before it clips the left side retaining wall and tumbles over it. The car ended up rolling several times before coming to rest on all four wheels. After a tense moment, Jason did climb from the car without any obvious serious injuries. After seeing this crash from this angle, he’s certainly lucky to have not been hurt. We wish him the best in getting his car back up and running in time for the 2018 WPWSC’s!

Sherbert racing crazy wheel stand

Posted by Greg Zoetmulder on Monday, October 9, 2017