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This Social Experiment will Make You Think Twice Before Crossing at a Red Light

Sometimes, with the pace that the world is moving at these days, it can be easy to lose sight of some of the essential things that we as human beings should probably be doing like paying attention to the world around us. It looks like, after going through the numbers and seeing how high the occurrence of pedestrian accidents is in Paris, this locality decided to go out and do something about it. Basically, their plan was to scare the life out of people who were crossing the street when they shouldn’t be in order to make a point of what could possibly happen.

This is definitely one demonstration that is dividing opinion. Some think it’s a good idea and can really see the nobility in it while others don’t necessarily agree with it. Basically, what happens is, when somebody is crossing the street while they aren’t supposed to be, a loud screeching sound of tires locking up is designed to absolutely mortified them before taking a picture of them and putting it on a nearby billboard for the person to see after they cross the street.

While some are behind the demonstration, saying that people should probably be a little bit more aware and get their nose out of their cell phone every once a while, others are saying that it’s kind of unnecessary and that most people understand that they should look both ways while crossing the street and a demonstration like this is simply making people fear every little detail of life when they don’t really need to.

Follow along with the video below that describes the meaning of this demonstration along with telling you a little bit about how it works. After seeing this one for yourself, be sure to chime in and tell us what you think of such a sequence of events and their intentions. Do you think that something like this will really help to tone down all of the traffic incidents with pedestrians that are going on in the world today?
