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No more stuck hoses! inserts that allow you to work freely around your vehicle by keeping your lines rolling

In life, sometimes there are moments that provide little hassles that aren’t really the biggest deal in the world but you would really rather they did not exist. For these hassles, there are people out there who are looking to create products to help others get around these issues.  Just because something is in the way today doesn’t mean it has to exist tomorrow with the right engineering to get things done. On the surface, this might not seem like an invention that you actually need but the next time that you’re washing your car and spending the time to get that hose free of your tire, you’ll probably think back to this video and wish that you picked one up yourself.

In this demonstration, we check out an invention that is simple yet appears to be incredibly effective. If you detail cars for a living, this will probably be one that would be incredibly helpful for you. Even if you’re just the average person looking to wash a vehicle in your driveway, this little piece of plastic could alleviate a lot of time spent doing things that you don’t want to do like figuring out how to get your hose all the way around your car to wash the other side. It might seem kind of frivolous but if you could pick one of these up for just a couple of bucks, it’s definitely something that I would personally look into.

Follow along in the video down below that explains all the the features of this small little plastic wedge that is designed to help you save time. If there’s one resource in this world of ours that is the most precious, it is that of time and with this little improvement over our current circumstances, you might be able to shave a couple of minutes off of your car washing process. After seeing this thing for yourself, be sure to tell us what you think of the invention and its multiple features that appear to make it all that much more worthwhile.