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Is Anything More Satisfying Than Laser Rust Removal?

When it comes to rust, nobody wants to see it on their metal parts unless you happen to be constructing a rat rod, in which case, a little bit of surface rust might be acceptable. For the vast majority, though, they would rather not see any at all. Heck, even outside of driving a vehicle, it can be a bother. For example, you don’t want to walk outside and see your grill all rusty or your handrails covered with the dark red color of destroyed metal. Long story short, it’s something that we would rather just get rid of altogether, most of the time.

This time, we check out a laser that does a pretty neat and clean job of removing rust and it will make your eyes boggle at first sight. It’s pretty wild how, with one swipe, this machine can replace hours of sanding to get all that surface rust out of the way thanks to a handy piece of technology going to work. The powerhouse is definitely is as productive as it is mesmerizing and it’ll probably cut your workload in half and then some! We could seriously sit here and watch this rust removal go on for hours without even getting bored. Ok, maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration but you get the point!

Check out the video below that shows the laser in action as it gets to cutting down that pesky rust and replacing it with the underlying shiny metal in an oh so satisfying swipe. When you look at methods like this to work smarter instead of working harder, it’s amazing to see what can be accomplished with just a little bit of the right machinery. For a job like this to be done by hand, it would prove to be an incredibly tall task do and could really save you a lot of time and elbow grease in the long run.
