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This Is Why You Should Never Skate Behind a Car!

Sometimes its hard to tell a story in 20 seconds, and sometimes that more than enough time to get the point across. This video could have actually been shortened quite a bit and still told you all you needed to know about this guy and his ill-advised attempt to skate behind this car.

I shouldn’t have to, because you guys should know better, but I am going to go ahead and say it now in very clear and concise wording: DO NOT DO THIS. We occasionally ask for you guys to get video of yourselves and your buddies doing things and send them in, but in this case, just don’t. It’s not going to end well and we don’t want anybody’s blood – or worse – on our hands. So please, for the love of God, just don’t.

What we have, just to set things up for you here, is a guy driving what I believe to be a Saturn Sky convertible with the top back in the sun. Hanging on to the back is his buddy, who’s either on a skateboard or wearing roller skates, we aren’t sure which, as the car cruises down the street. This alone is dangerous enough, but the guy driving the car is hell bent on talking his buddy clinging to his spoiler to let go, which if it goes according to plan, would be kind of cool.


But it doesn’t go according to plan, as you can imagine, and while we don’t actually get to see his buddy skidding down the street, likely losing a few layers of skin from road rash since the most protective piece of clothing he had on was his watch. We can only assume that even at this relatively low speed, this kid got skinned up pretty badly. Hopefully his injuries weren’t severe and he’s been able to recover, but a fall like this could easily have caused life-altering or life-ending injuries.