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Russian Ice Mobile Is Badass… We Don’t Know What it is But We Want One!

You ever see something and just decide you want it, even if you don’t know exactly what it is or how you’d use it? We found one of those things. It would be absolutely useless as far as using it where any of us live, since we don’t get much snow around here, but the dang thing just looks like fun!

From what we can tell, this is basically a tire, a couple of skis, and a chainsaw all bolted together with what looks an awful lot like a metal chair frame that’s been modified to serve as the chassis for this contraption, which we’re gonna call a Russian Ice Mobile, for lack of a better name.

One question we have is how exactly the tire gets traction on the ice. It’s hard to see in the video, but we’re assuming the tire has been “spiked” with screws to dig into the ice and pull the rider along as the little engine spins and sends power down to the tire. Meanwhile, a pair of skis give the rider somewhere to stand and provide a platform to keep everything stable while the tire pulls the rider along. This would have to be infinitely faster and safer than trying to walk on the sheet of solid ice that seems to coat everything in sight, hopefully keeping the rider from wiping out and busting his butt on the ice.

While it’s the epitome of simple, there’s no denying the project gets the job done, especially when you see that it actually moves along at a pretty good pace and is fairly maneuverable. It could definitely be made faster and more agile, but you’d also have to spend a lot more money and make it more complicated, which defeats the purpose of building it out of stuff that you likely have laying around the house already.

While we don’t agree with everything they do, we have to admit the Russians are problem solvers and know how to make anything look like a good time, and this Ice Mobile is no exception.
