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ATV Fails Will Have You Laughing Right Where it Hurts

The whole point of hopping on a vehicle like an ATV is to have a little bit of fun, stretching out the legs of such a machine and trying to maybe push a little bit further with each time that you get on board, attempting to crank up that adrenaline level just a little bit as you see where your limits lie. With a scene that’s set up like this, you’re can be asking for bad things to happen as people push it a little bit beyond their limits in the name of having a good time. When this push beyond the limits goes a little bit too far, we come across videos like what we see here.

This time, we’re going to take a look at couple of ATV fail attempts that ended up going beyond where they should have when the people behind the handlebars here decided that they either wanted to try a jump that was too big, get through a body of water that was too deep, or in some other way attempt to make the machine do what it simply was not set up to do. The results are pretty interesting as we get our fair share of tumbles, rolls, and people who are downright just bailing out because they don’t know what to expect.

If you follow along with the video below, you’ll be able to catch up with a group of people who got caught in the wrong place at the wrong time. Perhaps some of these were just due to bad luck but others definitely could have been avoided with a little bit of care in a precarious situation. After getting a load of this lineup of ATV fail attempts, be sure to tell us which one of these you find to be the most entertaining of the group. There are certainly some good ones mixed in here.


Posted by Pro riders atv on Sunday, December 3, 2017