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Jet Ski Crashes Onto The Beach at 50 mph

When you’re out and enjoying the water, just because you are surrounded by liquid doesn’t mean that there is no danger. Even when you put aside the other boats that you might run into and the possibility of the threat of smashing into the water which is less forgiving than you might think, there is still the threat of land that surrounds the water. Now, you would think this wouldn’t be such a big deal but apparently, it’s a bigger threat than you might think, especially for people who tend to lose sight of exactly where they’re at and end up shoving their vessel into land in quite the painful way.

This time, we follow along with a scene that has a couple of people on a jet ski mustering up a 50 mph head of steam, this is when they managed to apparently get tangled up in a little situation where one thing would lead to another and before they know it, they end up on dry land, struggling to find a way out as the jet ski runs into something that leaves them at the liberty of their momentum. No matter what it is that you’re landing on, that most certainly can’t feel good as they probably weren’t expecting their ride to come to a screeching halt like that!

If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll be able to catch the exact moment that this guy realized he messed up.

This certainly isn’t something that you see all that often but when you do, you almost can feel their pain as they smashed into land and completely went for a dive! It looks like the guy behind the handlebars was able to get up right away, hopefully, the girl riding on the back didn’t meet too harsh of an outcome!