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Top 10 Best Cars of The Year Counted Down!

At the end of every year, there’s a good chance that you might get a little bit nostalgic, looking back at the past 365 days that seem to have gone by so quickly and really managed to slide right out from your fingertips. Before you know it, it will be the end of 2018 and we will be looking back on that year as well. Honestly, it’s a really good time to reflect on all that you have accomplished this year and how much you have grown from last year. This is why you see all kinds of YouTube videos that outline accomplishments in 2017 it that get ready to push you towards 2018.

The guys over at The Fast Lane Car have had a great deal of cars go through their show. If reviewing cars is your daily job, maybe it could be a little bit difficult to pick favorites but in this one, we go along for the journey as they manage to choose ten of their top selections for the machines of 2017. This year was really big in the world of performance so it would be interesting to see exactly what they would pick and what the reasoning is behind their best of the best when it comes to cars that we’ve seen this year. Dodge Demon, anybody!?

Follow the video below as we are taken to the scene of the countdown, really getting into the swing with this list that takes the liberty of weeding out all of the best that you can get your fingers on. After seeing this list, be sure tells what you think of this collection and how you think they’re ranked. Do you think that there are perhaps any cars that they messed or any machines on this list that you think should be a little bit further down? I guess this is a highly subjective subject matter and we’d love to hear what you think!