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GT-R Stuck on Rocks Gets Pounded By Storm Waves…

If you’re interested in the world of automotive performance, no matter if you find yourself to be an American car fan or an import car fan, it’s hard to deny that the Nissan GT-R is anything but spectacular. It’s a machine that has so many attractive attributes that not even the most diehard American car fans with a level head on their shoulders are able to deny what it’s capable of. On top of that, looks might be subjective but it’s also not the worst looking car that you’ll ever see as many will claim it to be one of their favorites!

No matter how much prestige a car like this has built up, it appears as if the owner of this particular one seems to have gotten himself into a situation where that might mean about nothing. It’s not clear if the person who is supposed to be behind the wheel this car simply couldn’t get to it before this massive storm ended up bringing huge waves over the boat launch or if they were tired of it and maybe wanted insurance to take care of it but in either situation, we check out this video from France that shows off a Nissan GT-R getting absolutely pounded by waves as they come over the bulkhead.

If you follow along with the video below, if you dare, you can catch up with the exact situation that is kind of cringeworthy to watch as one of the best offerings out of Nissan in terms of performance cars is absolutely pounded by thousands of gallons of water at a time. It’s pretty difficult to watch but I guess that at the end of the day, at least it isn’t your car that’s being completely torn up by the water at hand that has gotten just a little bit out of control! Hopefully, the owner makes it out of this one with a car that’s not hurt too badly!