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Slammed Trucks Throwing Sparks Like Mad! That Can’t Be Good For The Roads!

When we’re talking about all of the different facets of the automotive community, enjoying a car or truck comes in all sorts of different forms. Just when you thought that you needed to have the fastest car among your group of peers to have a good time, in comes various scenes from around the country that show otherwise, proving that you don’t necessarily need to be one of the fastest out there to have a good time. Sometimes, form is a lot more important than function in certain communities and this video shows us exactly that in vivid color.

You see, a lot of times, in the minitruck community, it’s all about having a vehicle that looks as good as possible, a short of show truck that will be able to cruise the streets, laying frame and throwing sparks in every which way, showing off that this build is not only good looking but also has been designed to put on a show which it very much does as it shoots sparks off of the frame in every which direction, causing everyone on that particular highway to check out the action as the truck makes its way with a seemingly endless shower of sparks coming out of the back, causing a complete scene while in motion.

Down in the video below, you’ll see exactly what this truck is up to that makes it stand out from the crowd and draw bounds of attention to itself as it drives down the road. After watching this one, be sure to tell us what you think of this lifestyle that has the trucks shining and their stance sitting down low to make a fiery show that you won’t soon forget. This is certainly one way to bring a vehicle together.