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1958 Chevrolet Viking Farm Truck “Demented” Street Truck at SEMA

Article By – Francisco Garcia
Photos By – Francisco Garcia

When it comes to the SEMA show, not only is it the platform for the biggest and the best builds in the world to come together, really showcasing what these builders are capable of but it also gives you the opportunity to show off different products and get them into the head and eventually the hands of your target consumer. This truck looks like it brings together a little bit of both concepts as it appears as if whoever was behind this one went through some extensive measures to make sure that it looked amazing but the looming idea is that it shows off a product that really seems to offer something a little bit different in the rust elimination department.

This time, we get up close and personal with an old school 1958 Chevrolet Viking farm truck that’s known as “Demented.” The truck would strut its stuff at the 2017 SEMA show with the aim of showing off a product that goes by the name of “Evaporust.” Essentially, the product is designed to knock away rust without getting rid of any of the other parts that you want to keep. I’m no professional in rust removal but I would be inclined to say that other products would probably eat away the paint beneath the rust. Essentially, what this product does is gives you the opportunity to take a look at everything that isn’t rust and decide if you want to take it all the way down to bare metal or keep it for kind of a rat rod look as it seems to be the least harsh method of rust removal possible that still gets the job done.

If you follow long down in the video below, YouTuber, ScottieDTV, gets all up in this truck’s business, taking a couple of laps around it and talking to the owner who explains exactly what makes this machine so special. If you’re into trucks, this mid-engine rat rod of a machine will really do a lot for you. After you get the lowdown on exactly what this is from Scottie and the builder alike, be sure to tell us what you think of this creation that really pops.