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Standing Next to a Puddle While a Ford Raptor is Coming in Hot… Horrible Idea!

When it comes to taking your favorite machines off of the beaten path, the market there is just as intense as any sort of racing market that you might come across, in terms of what aftermarket modifications are available for the most popular vehicles. This time, it looks like a couple of modified machines are heading out into the woods to try out some trails and combat with the obstacles that are bound to get in their way, making sure that they have what it takes to be able to conquer these obstacles and keep on trucking along to enjoy the rest this trail.

This time, the star of the show was none other than a Ford Raptor, a vehicle that has been designed from the factory to be able to take on all sorts of different obstacles but this one is been modified as well so it should prove to be pretty interesting to watch. It’s pretty neat to watch these vehicles make their way through the woods but I guess that at the end of the journey, the real focal point of the entire trip comes into view as we watch a poor girl go up against the Raptor in a way that not too many people would probably be willing to.

At the end of the journey, it would appear as if these folks wanted to see what it will be like to splash somebody with a huge puddle in a truck like this. We get to it to see exactly how the outcome would be if the poor girl lined up just right to grab a video of the event, or so it would appear. However, as the truck would bear down on her, the girl probably began to wish that she had never gotten involved in this in the first place. Check out the video below that shows off the very moment that the truck ends up sending a whole bunch of mud in her direction, completely covering her and giving her the need for a new set of clothes.