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Tesla Model X vs Hummer H2… Who WIll Win This Tug Of War Battle?

When it comes down to the tug-of-war, it’s a battle of all-out strength. The goal is to see who can put together the most pulling power and the most traction in order to haul their opponent into the distance, showing off that they, in fact, have the most powerful tow rig of the group. Because of this battle of wills that has become so popular, you can see all kinds of different combinations coming together to see who has the stronger vehicle. Some of these outcomes are expected but others, well, they kind ago off of the beaten path a little bit to compare two vehicles that are very unlike one another.

If you haven’t guessed at this point, we’re checking out a tug-of-war battle that falls into the latter as a Tesla Model X hooks up to none other than a Hummer H2. Straight from the get-go, you have to look at the fact of the Hummer, in this case, more than likely weighs about 1500 more pounds or somewhere in that ballpark as compared to the electric SUV, even with the Tesla having to lug around its batteries. However, that isn’t going to stop this Tesla from using its torque supplied by the electric motor to try and out-haul the competition that looks a little bit daunting, or at least it should, to the driver behind the wheel of the Model X.

If you follow along below, you’ll watch as these two competitors go at it, trying a variety of different combinations to see who exactly will pull in the best of all conditions. It’s almost like you want to root for the underdog here in the Tesla but if it will really come out on top is yet to be seen so be sure that you dial in down below and see if the electric vehicle is able to  out-strength one of the vehicles that’s basically a poster child for strength.