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What Happens when you POUR Boiling Water onto a Frozen Windshield?

If you’ve ever had a piece of glassware that was either on the hot or cold side of the spectrum then exposed it to something that was only other end of the temperature spectrum, you might have noticed that the intense expansion or contraction of the piece of glass might’ve caused it to crack. Because regular glassware isn’t normally designed to be able to handle this rapid temperature change, it might not be able to withstand the drastic shift. However, you’d think that with the piece of glass that is designed to be put through the elements, this might not be the case.

Thanks to YouTube, we have the opportunity to find out just that as an experiment takes an unlikely set of ideas and combined them all and one. The subject here has a car that has been sitting out in the snow, leaving the coating to really insulate the windshield and get it to a frozen temperature, making sure that it’s thoroughly chilled all the way through. From there, the experiment dictates that a pot of boiling water be thrown onto the chilled windshield see exactly what would happen.

When combining all these factors, it would really lead you to question if the experiment would have ill effect on the materials at hand. Is the layered glass that you will find on an automobile tough enough to be able to withstand pretty much one of the most drastic changes in temperature that you will ever see in such a short period of time. The only way to it it is to do it and that’s exactly what we get down to in the video below so be sure to check it out and tell us what you think of the outcome here. Can you think of any other situation that would alter the state of the windshield more quickly?