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Tanner Foust Ultimate Smokeshow Man-Line in VW Drift Passat

When it comes to the world of cars, no matter which corner of community you find yourself to be a part of, whether you’re drifting, drag racing, or even making a show car, there always seems to be a car or two that stands out from the pack as an automobile that’s simply different from the rest for one reason or another. Normally, these builds might be tucked away in the back corner of enthusiast’s garage or built by someone who just enjoys cars, but this time, we check out one that is front and center and quite a notable drift name happens to be behind the wheel of the build that just really doesn’t make all that much sense on the surface.

You see, when it comes to drifting, you need to have the rear wheels spinning under their own power in order to make the car slide in the direction that you want it to go and be able to power through the turns. Therefore, you could see how that might be a problem with a front wheel drive Volkswagen Passat. Even with Tanner Foust behind the wheel, the only way that a car like that’s going to do anything that resembles drifting is if you slap the rear tires on a set of McDonald’s trays and lock parking brake so that it skids around. However, this isn’t your typical Passat, as you might have imagined, but instead has undergone some extensive surgery to become the drift car that is today.

If you follow along down the video below, we’re brought all of the action from the Hoonigan Donut Garage where  we would venture to say that there is almost no component on this machine that is factoy stock and after looking through it, you’ll see exactly why we are so amazed at a machine like this. After checking it out for yourself, be sure to tell us what you think of this car that has been modified in just the right way.