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COPS THOUGHT HE WAS LYING…Pulled Over For Stock Exhaust.

I can actually say I’ve been in a very familiar situation to this before, although I was able to avoid a citation thanks to a warning from a friend. While this guy is stopped for his exhaust, I was actually pulled over for my stereo. However, just like YouTuber effspot had a perfect defense against his citing officer’s accusations, I did as well.

I was cruising in the big city of Ardmore, Alabama/Tennessee (yes, the tiny town of a couple of thousand actually crosses the state line) when I buddy warned me that the cops on the Tennessee side were stopping cars for loud stereos at the other end of the strip. Knowing my luck, I decided instead of just turning it down, I would actually pull the faceplate off of my Pioneer head unit and stash it in my glove box. As I got to the turnaround spot, the cars immediately in front of and behind me both had their stereos cranked up while I sat in silence. As we pulled into the parking lot, they turned them down due to an Ardmore PD patrol car sitting there, and sure enough, an officer on foot shined his flashlight in my face and told me to pull over into a parking spot beside his car.

He said he’d pulled me over because of my loud music, and I politely pointed out that not only was my car’s stereo off, it literally wasn’t even in a functional state due to the faceplate being removed. He was skeptical at first, but shined his light on the dash a saw that there wasn’t, in fact, a control panel in place, so he apologized and sent me on my way. Our YouTuber seems to have a similar result by claiming his exhaust is actually stock, despite the officer’s contention on the subject.

He’s not so lucky, however, when it comes to his window tint, especially after the officer finds out he’s been cited for the tint before. Our driver is given a citation and instructed clearly on how to handle it, although something tells me that tint isn’t going anywhere regardless of how many tickets he gets for it.