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Officer Shoots Through Windshield of his Patrol Car, Takes Down Armed Robbery Suspect

There are plenty of jobs out there where you need to be pretty resourceful in order to complete your tasks and daily role successfully. However, there are very few jobs that you will find that align with all of the different ways that police officers need to manipulate their daily actions in order to carry out certain goals. Sometimes, they might need to get incredibly creative in their problem-solving methods in order to make sure that innocent bystanders remain safe and those who need to be subdued are done so with minimal collateral damage.

This time, we follow along with a situation that has a police officer chasing down an armed suspect when things take a rapid turn. Most of the time, in situations like this, quick thinking is needed to get the job done and this time, it just so happened that the police officer in question, as captured on body cam, decided that it was necessary to fire at the suspect through the windshield of his patrol car. After all, in many situations, it’s either shoot or be shot at so time can really be of the essence to make sure that all officers who were in pursuit of the suspect remained safe while they attempted to subdue said suspect.

If you follow along with the video below, the body cam footage has been making its rounds that show the officer acting quickly to respond the situation. As you could imagine, with pretty much every situation involving police, people have their varying opinions about how it all unfolds. From what we hear over the radio, it seems like the suspect was already firing at the officers and they were in the frame of mind where they would do whatever it took to apprehend the man who had allegedly just committed armed robbery. Unfortunately, this time, the situation resulted in one death.

Officer shoots right through patrol car windshield

OFFICER SHOOTS THROUGH WINDSHIELD: An officer shoots right through the windshield of his patrol car he was driving, killing an armed robbery suspect. Officers were responding to a report of store robbery when they spotted the suspect fleeing the scene. WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES AND LANGUAGESTORY: https://bit.ly/2r4pNdP

Posted by FOX 29 on Friday, April 27, 2018