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How Useful Could the World’s Smallest Chainsaw Really Be?

With a wide variety of different jobs to be accomplished across all sorts of different trades, hundreds of thousands of tools exist so that you’re able to tackle the task at hand with the most efficiency.

You know what they say, when you have the right tool for the job, said job will go by a lot smoother instead of trying to patch things together. Therefore, sometimes, you see some incredibly specialized pieces of machinery that are designed to attack one thing or another and this time, we think we’ve come across an incredibly interesting specialized tool to add to your arsenal.

Our host this time goes by none other than the Crazy Russian Hacker and we’ve really come to love fall his presentation style as he tries out so many different oddities whether they be with tools, science, or some other peripheral field. This time, it just so happens that he’s cracking into what can claim its name is the worlds smallest chainsaw.

Upon a first glance, you might wonder what the merit happens to be in such a small chainsaw, however, when you think of the usefulness that something like this might have around the house, it begins to become quite intriguing as you think about not having to haul around a full-size chainsaw but also having some of that bite.

If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll get a review of exactly what this thing is capable of and how small it really is. After taking a look at this thing, one can’t help but want to go out and try it for themselves, seeing exactly what it can conquer in your own backyard, even if you do have to still keep around a bigger chainsaw for those heavy hitting jobs.

Do you think of this as a tool that you would want to add your personal collection?