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Daddy Dave vs Plan B New Twin Turbo Corvette at Thunder Valley Oklahoma

If you really get into drag racing, you can probably attest to the fact that with so many awesome driver and car combinations, there are tons of insane matchups that can be had if you compare some of the best of the best to one another. It’s just like any other sport except in racing, if you don’t exactly stay on your toes, a loss isn’t the only thing that’s on the line as your car could go in any direction and cause big-time damage to not only the machine but also your body. With so much on the line, especially in no prep, the excitement is really at an all-time high.

In this one, we check out a couple of awesome competitors that the no prep scene has to offer as they go at one another between the walls at Thunder Valley Raceway in none other than Oklahoma City, a place that has some of the fastest cars in the country.

In one lane, we have the Plan B Corvette and if you don’t recognize it with it’s old C5 Chevrolet Corvette format, that’s because it’s taken on a facelift not too long ago and now breathes as a red C7 bodied machine. In the other lane, we have none other than Goliath with Daddy Dave behind the wheel, a combination that really needs no introduction!

If you follow along down in the video below, you’ll be able to bear witness as this incredible pair of machines goes up against one another, really putting their abilities on display as they go for the kill shot against one another. Even though both of these drivers have built up pretty storied track records, only one can come out on top. Who’s taking home the sweet taste of victory? Well, if you check out the National No Prep Racing Association presentation down below, you’ll find out just that along with getting a little bit of an adrenaline rush to go home with.