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Hot ’39 Plymouth Pickup Truck is Powered by a Seaplane Engine!

When considering some of the car community’s favorite builds, there is a little something different that will be for everybody. At the end of the day, ultimate creativity is the entire reason that we all enjoy cars and trucks so much.”Different strokes for different folks” is a good way of putting it. While we may all have different tastes, I think that we can all agree that a high level of creativity and the ability to execute an unlikely vision has a way of impressing anyone who lays eyes on the products of the effort.

With this, we find all sorts of unique engine swaps and other builds across the automotive landscape. However, there are some creations that really take “Unique” and turn it up to a new level. These creations take on concepts that some might have never even thought of. When we finally lay eyes on them, it would take an engineer to figure out how to bring together all of these concepts into a real-life platform. After all, it’s one thing to think up a crazy idea and an entirely different thing to be able to go out there and execute it.

This time, we check in with Jay Leno’s Garage as he features a very special truck that is as off-the-wall as it is cool. Outside, the machine looks like a typical 1939 Plymouth pickup truck. For a basic build around this platform, it would probably be pretty darn cool. However, this machine takes it to an entirely new level as it considers a power source that not too many 39 Plymouths, or any trucks for that matter, have considered before.

Below, we get the opportunity to check out the machine powered by a radial air engine out of a seaplane. That’s right, there’s Cessna power under the hood of this particular pick up truck. In a world that’s inundated with common solutions, it’s refreshing to see something so insane every once in a while.