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Giant Statue Saves Train That Flew off Tracks From Falling in the Water Below

Sometimes, the cards just fall in the exact correct position, even if it seems like everything is going wrong. For example, running a train right off of the rails and through the end of the train tracks that are sitting on a bridge doesn’t seem like a good situation. Naturally, this is one that gravity will probably end up winning as the train is likely to shoot off the end of the tracks and fall quite the distance.

However, for the individual behind the controls of this train, it turns out that they got pretty darn lucky. The driver did exactly this, driving the train right off the end of the tracks on top of a bridge and through the barrier. However, instead of being met with the cruel fest of gravity, the train would be softly caught by a statue of a whale’s tail that would prevent the train from falling into the water beneath. This would’ve certainly created a situation that could’ve been incredibly dangerous and destructive. It turns out that fate had something a little bit more positive in mind, though.

The incident happened in the Netherlands as a video shows the aftermath of the train being caught by the structure. The company responsible for the train said that no passengers were on board and the driver was not injured in the incident. The result was quite the scene as it seems like the statue was almost created with catching a train in mind.

Below, videos show the aftermath of the incident that certainly caused a little bit of damage but seemed to have a slight plot twist as luck would take over. We’re almost certain that the driver didn’t have this in mind when he or she came in to work on this day. However, we are more than certain that they will take the fortune that was given, considering how badly things could’ve gone, given the situation.