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Barn Find Hunter Crowns Discovery “Greatest Barn Find Known to Man”

All throughout the world, there are barn finds of all shapes and sizes. It’s truly amazing to think about the quality of car they can simply be left behind. Sometimes, perhaps the person in possession of the machine has no idea of its value. Other times, though plans of restoration might simply end up getting away from somebody. After all, while we do have a burning passion for cars, there are definitely other parts of life that can prove to be a little bit more important.

Another factor that can make a barn find more exciting is that there are all sorts of surrounding factors as well that play into the equation. Perhaps, the find in question comes at us from a neglected home garage. With these, perhaps a car might be underneath a stack of old stuff, just waiting to be restored with a little bit of TLC. Other times, though, there are machines that are found in fields or something of the like which are way too far gone to even think about investing the effort into bringing back to life. Because of this, truly finding the diamond in the rough feels like a real jackpot!

This time, we check in with one of the most exciting types of barn find which is locating such a find that is more than a single car. This time, instead, the folks from Hagerty stumbled across a find and went so far as to call it “The greatest barn find collection known to man.” With that, we find a variety of cars from different parts of the world and different eras. It almost seems as if every machine has its own unique and very diverse story to tell.

Down in the video below, we check in with the collection to see what some of the gems might hold. With collections like this, we can only hope that the majority of these machines will eventually find a way to come back to life once again, showing off some of their former luster in the future.