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Tim Allen Has Been Doing Some Upgrading, Shows Off His Warehouse Filled With Lots of Gems

As gearheads or any enthusiast of any hobby for that matter, we always fantasize about what it would be like to have unlimited money and be able to spend it on your hobby as thoroughly as we please. For car fans, we probably all have a loosely outlined collection picked out in our heads for that day that we hit the lottery. Oh yeah, and we have our dream garage outlined as well. It’s probably something spacious with some awesome lighting and lots of room for our favorite memorabilia.

In reality, though, if you happen to be someone who has had as much success in the entertainment business as Tim Allen has, you have the ability to actually become that gearhead who has seemingly unlimited money to spend on whatever vehicles that you please! It turns out that Allen has done exactly that, really spreading out his love of the automobile to a massive collection.

Not only does Allen have a whole collection of vehicles that would make most car fans’ hearts throb, but he also has a couple of things that not even people with a lot of money could get their hands on. Let’s just say that when cars are incredibly rare, they don’t exactly pop up on the market every day no matter how much money you’ve got!

What can money and fame buy you in terms of cars? Well, check out the video down below that we’re sure only covers a fraction of one of an ultimate car fan’s collection. One of the parts of this collection that we were pleasantly surprised by is the breadth of variety. Old or new, there’s a little bit of something for everyone to be had!

Were you surprised by any of the pieces that Allen has in this personal collection?