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A Day with Wee-Man And His ’62 Chevy Impala

Years ago, we all met Wee Man, or Jason Acuña as the government knows him, on the smash MTV hit Jackass. For those who don’t remember, Wee Man was often used as a prop in the show, playing an escapee from co-star Preston Lacy’s luggage for example in a recurring skit where Lacy would ask bystanders for help with his bags, only to have a scantily clad Wee Man jump out of the bags and flee.

However, there’s much more to Jason than his antics on Jackass. He was also on the reality series Armed and Famous, as well as NBC’s Celebrity Circus. Aside from his television and film career, Acuña owns his own taco restaurant, which he visits in the video below while cruising in his gorgeous Impala.

Speaking of his Impala, lets take a look at that in a little greater detail. The six-two is a timeless platform that can be taken in pretty much any direction with a little imagination. The previous owner had a drag strip-style setup, but that’s not the vision Jason had for the car. So as soon as he bought it, off went the bigs-and-little setup and in their place went a set of classic Cragar rollers that look right at home on the long, lean Impy. Wee Man also dropped a small block Chevrolet crate motor under the hood and set out to drive his new ride.

A break in his driveway would necessitate some kind of suspension modification to keep the car from bottoming out, so he had AccuAir installed on the car to give him push-button control over the car’s ride height, front and back, with nothing more to do that tap the remote to set the car’s height exactly where it needs to be.

We join Acuña for a trip to the skate park, where he hits the ramps for a bit before heading to Chronic Tacos for lunch.
This is one great looking Impala with some nice custom touches that set it apart without it being over the top and gaudy like some. Props to Wee Man for hooking it up just perfectly!