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Air Force Jaguar Fighter Jet Chasing India’s Nirbhay Cruise Missile at High Speed

If there is one thing that most people will never get to see in their lifespan, it’s the aerial journey of a cruise missile as it travels at high speed from its launching point to its destination.

By definition, a cruise missile is basically a projectile that is designed to deliver a warhead with great accuracy over a great distance. Just like the name implies, the missile spends the lion’s share of its time in flight.

This time, we check out an Air Force Jaguar Fighter Jet chasing down India’s Nirbhay cruise missile through the sky and the sight is quite odd and obscure. For some reason, you really can’t help but be in awe and observe this once in a lifetime sight.

From the information that we have gathered the defense missile as seen here is currently still in a testing phase and this isn’t actually a real live warhead. It’s just one of the multiple trials of the missile so that it can be developed in case of a real need for protection. No need to panic.
