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Audi RS3 Misses Turn And Goes Airborne At 125MPH!

With all the nuances of road racing, you really need to be locked into the zone and have all of your abilities on tap and ready to roll (no pun intended). This time, however, we catch up with the driver who really seems to have been rocketing his way around the course and managed to let a corner sneak up on him pretty quickly. The long straightaway before the corner allowed the car in question to get a pretty good head of steam, what we understand is about 125mph of momentum, enough to send just about anybody off of the course and into a world of pain.

From the dash cam, we watch as the car continues along the road, failing to slow down for the corner, and plowing straight into a barrier that would end up rolling the car over and reeking some incredible amounts of havoc as the machine would end up on its lid, pushing in just about every body panel and piece of glass on the outside of the ride.

Luckily, it would appear as if the driver ended up being okay but, this mishap in the Audi RS3 had to be quite a terrifying experience for this driver as the unexpected would fall right in his lap and he wouldn’t be able to react quickly enough to respond to it.

Follow along with the video below that shows this car going off of the beaten path and ending up being a crinkled up mess. This mess certainly is not how you want to end your day of racing and this driver is probably in for a long process to figure out what he’s going to be driving next. The next question that usually pops up is if insurance will cover this and the only logical answer here is absolutely not.