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This Is How You Joy Ride In A Jet, Pilot Puts On A Show!

When you have free reign of the skies, you get to do some pretty cool stuff! Sometimes, fighter pilots have the presence of mind to grab a GoPro and take us along for the ride and we get to see their point of view as they soar around the skies above. That’s exactly what this video is, two minutes of basically joyriding around and between these skyscrapers along the beach.

Scrolling through the comments revealed that this footage comes to us from our Down Under brethren with the Australian Air Force, who were actually participating in an event for spectators below, which is why they were allowed to fly within such close proximity to the buildings and the beachgoers. Typically, flying that close to structures and citizens would be at the very least frowned upon, if not outright forbidden.

However, since the rules were relaxed for the show, the pilots took advantage and dove down low, flying within a few hundred feet of the ground and probably even closer to some of the buildings, certainly giving those below a thrill. The onboard GoPro, which the backseater  holds by hand as the pilot commands the plane, captures the action from inside the cockpit, giving us a literal bird’s eye view of the Gold Coast below from the Hawk 127 fighter jet.

The plane itself, which is basically a training craft for pilots looking to step up to the F/A-18, but don’t let that lessen the cool factor of the Hawk. With a top speed of nearly 750 MPH, the Hawk 127 is capable of blasting across the sky at damn near the speed of sound, and plenty fast enough to get any pilot who doesn’t respect the plane in trouble very quickly.

However, it’s clear this pilot knows exactly what his craft is capable of and does a masterful job of maneuvering through the sky at a high rate of speed, seemingly effortlessly putting the plane exactly where he wants it.
