Automotive Dip Company Creates Crazy Colors That Can Glow in the Dark

Back in the early days of Plastidip, if we told somebody we were dipping something, it might’ve come off just a little bit crude. As somebody who really dabbled in the stuff in their teenage years, while Plastidipped components could look decent, it would be pretty difficult to make the finish look professional.
These days, though, oh boy have things changed.
Instead, when somebody dips their car, there’s a good chance that it looks as good as a factory finish or maybe even better. To the untrained eye, they might not even be able to notice the difference between a well-done paint job and a properly done dip. With this in mind, the dip industry has really exploded, taking on new colors and all sorts of different concepts to really keep it on the cutting edge.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, though. You could be doing anything from selling newspapers all the way up to creating buildings. If you’re not changing things up and staying on the cutting edge, there’s a good chance that someone else will come along and steal your market.
Therefore, we constantly see new things coming out of the dip industry. This time, we check out something that’s pretty darn cool.
As we mentioned, dip can come in a whole variety of different colors. The companies that create these things are even able to mix in different flashes of pearls and color-shifting tones, as well. However, this time, we check out something incredibly neat as they mix in an unlikely candidate.
On the surface, we check out some of the cool colors that DipYourCar has to offer. When the lights go out, though, the cool colors don’t just fade. Instead, they pop with a glow in the dark finish. We can’t quite say for sure if something like this is for everybody. However, it’s pretty hard to deny that the technology is incredibly cool.